Thursday, May 7, 2009

Food Horror: Rachel Ray's Fishstick "Antip-achos" Barf

via Reddit
I don't even know where to begin with this train wreck of a recipe. It's the schizophrenic collision of 3 different recipes that form giant pile of soggy used-diaper-looking food waste. Rachel Ray is like the weird aunt that takes all of last night's leftovers and dumps them into a bowl, only to serve it the next night as a new dish.. hamburger chunks in Greek salad with macaroni and watermelon anyone?

My favourite part: "Arrange the fish sticks in a baking dish and pour half the sauce over the fish - reserve the rest to pass at the dinner table. Scatter 1/2 cup provolone cheese and the Parmesan over the fish and bake 18 minutes until fish is crispy and cheese has melted."

Right, Rachel. Crisp up that fish. Covered in tomato sauce.. and cheese. Facepalm.

1 comment:

  1. I love that their "art shot" still looks like literal vomit, and you can't even see most of it. The photographer probably had a dilly of a time trying to figure out how to make it look decent.
