Monday, April 20, 2009 Because someone had to make a website poking fun of Paula Deen and Butter

From the Rachel Ray "Mmmm!" Video to The 10 Commandments of Paula Deen, Food Network Humour has a decent selection of humour related to the hosts and food you love to make fun of rather than learn how to make their food; and let's face it, watch over an hour of the Food Network with someone and you'll be mimicing Rachel Ray's husky nattering rather than actually learning anything.

My personal favourites include:
Food Network Chefs are Horrible at Twitter
Gina Neely's Nasty Shrimp Corn Dogs
The Ten Commandments of Paula Deen

Last but certainly not least.. I give you Rachael Ray's Yum-o Ugg Boots (complete with toe-whisk)


  1. that is a great site, thanks for the laughs!

  2. Wow. I was expecting the Uggs to be more of the same craptacular low-rent photoshop skillz (MS Paint, w00t!). They actually exist?!

    My fave has to be this though: She is just way too excited about it all.

  3. There's so many Rachel Ray moments on there that I had a hard time not just linking a dozen RayRay moments.
